While we all take measures to adapt to the current pandemic crisis, health and safety is our first priority. Normal Services with ISPhotographic are provided at this time as long as social distancing is observed. Please have a face covering available for off-camera interactions. No face covering is required while being photographed.
Please note that our address and phone number have changed. Phone is now 765.404.2493 and you are encouraged to text first as this is my personal cell phone number.
Address is now 619 S. 18th Street Lafayette, Indiana, 47905. Please send all mail correspondence to that address. Please do not visit unannounced as this is a residential address (and the large German Shepherd who resides here will be guaranteed to have an opinion on the matter!).
In reality these changes were already on the horizon – I had already made up my mind to “move back home” in order to reduce overhead and save toward the purchase of a new, “forever” home for ISPhotographic. The Covid-19 pandemic has moved the timetable up.
I’m viewing this all as a blip in the road of our 20 year history. I’m convinced that this company, this country and this planet will emerge better positioned to embrace the challenges of the future.
Stay safe!
-Dave Mason, Owner and Operator